3 Apr 2025

Dortmund, Kino Sweet Sixteen, Frauenfilmfestival, FILM Screening „Barbara Morgenstern und die Liebe zur Sache“

6 Apr 2025

Berlin, FSK, Achtung Berlin Filmfestival, FILM Screening "Barbara Morgenstern und die Liebe zur Sache"

7 Apr 2025

Berlin, Acud, Achtung Berlin Filmfestival, FILM Screening "Barbara Morgenstern und die Liebe zur Sache"

1 May 2025

Karlsruhe, Kinemathek Karlsruhe, dokKa Filmfestival, FILM Screening „Barbara Morgenstern und die Liebe zur Sache“

3 May 2025

Karlsruhe, Jazzclub, BM + Ensemble "In anderem Licht" live

11 May 2025

Galiläakirche Berlin - Film Screening ! + BM & Ensemble "In anderem Licht" live, Zwinglikirche, Berlin, D

22 May 2025

Leizipg, Kinobar Prager Frühling, FILM Screening „Barbara Morgenstern und die Liebe zur Sache“

22 May 2025

Leipzig, Konzert! (Duo mit Sebastian Vogel), Ilses Erika


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Monika Werkstatt (AGF, Beate Bartel, Danielle De Picciotto, Gudrun Gut, Islaja, Lucrecia Dalt, Natalie Beridze, Pilocka Krach, Sonae, BM)

Worldwide: Jun 16, 2017
Format: Album (2 x LP with Download Code, CD & digital)
Label: Monika Enterprise M90

"... Gudrun Gut has a proven track record of successfully connecting with like-minded artists on unusual paths of creativity. She's an outstanding example of someone who refuses to compromise their artistic vision. And now she is ready to present one of her most ambitious projects ever: Monika Werkstatt -- a loose collective of female artists set up to enable each of them to achieve new goals through collaboration. Monika Werkstatt will ensure that their artistic output gains visibility in an art context still too dominated by men. Monika Werkstatt has its origins in collective workshops and in shared interactions. By sharing their own challenges and achievements later on with an audience, this opened a gateway to a further feedback and creative dialogue. . . .

History has a weakness for coincidences, and the release of Monika Werkstatt happily falls on the 20th anniversary of Monika Enterprises. A fantastic landmark and a means of celebrating such a tremendously talented collective that Gudrun Gut has orchestrated. So what is this release really about? Gudrun's fellow Monika members -- AGF, Beate Bartel, Lucrecia Dalt, Danielle De Picciotto, Islaja, Barbara Morgenstern, Sonae, Pilocka Krach, Natalie Beridze -- travelled from Berlin and assembled in the creative oasis of Uckermark. The goal was to create and record without any of the usual pressures and distractions that you'd anticipate in a group context. To keep the focus, Mo Loscheider cooked, Manon Pepita assisted with the day-to-day and Lupe was filming. . . .

Between recording and jamming, their days were filled with music, eating, short walks in the fields and forests resounding with inspiring talks and discussions. Without any restraint or rules, they opened up new forms of interaction and creative dialogue which found themselves falling into a process without any clear beginnings or ends. . . .

Once the recordings were completed, representatives of the group were delegated roles for a finished production -- some sequenced and mixed the recordings into their own tracks, while others built their own from the material recorded. The results succeed in showcasing the community as a group, as well as portraying singular pieces of art derived from a collective process."


A1 Barbara Morgenstern + Werkstatt Grow 4:28
A2 Natalie Beridze + Werkstatt Doodle 3:40
A3 Gudrun Gut + Werkstatt Green Rain 4:54
A4 Lucrecia Dalt* + Werkstatt Blindholes 2:50
A5 Beate Bartel + Werkstatt Feuerland 4:20
A6 Pilocka Krach + Werkstatt Sternhagen 2:08
B1 Sonae + Werkstatt Between Two Worlds 3:58
B2 Danielle De Picciotto + Werkstatt Ikarus 4:30
B3 Gudrun Gut + Werkstatt Repetition 3:54
B4 Beate Bartel + Werkstatt M B T 3:32
B5 Pilocka Krach + Werkstatt Who's Afraid of Justin Bieber? 4:35
B6 Islaja + Werkstatt Sappho's Gifts 1:05
C1 Natalie Beridze + Werkstatt Hit Bottom 4:14
C2 AGF + Werkstatt Ninjaness 3:42
C3 Danielle De Picciotto + Werkstatt Desert Fruit 4:31
C4 Islaja + Werkstatt Lainaa Lause 5:02
C5 Sonae + Werkstatt Witchcraft 5:03
D1 Werkstatt Workshop 2:22
D2 Werkstatt Ninjaness 3:42
D3 Werkstatt Tag1 2:17
D4 Werkstatt Schrei 2:42
D5 Werkstatt 555minimal 2:19
D6 Werkstatt Limited Blue 3:11
D7 Werkstatt Invisible 3:48
D8 Werkstatt Beginning 3:29


2018 Release "Unschuld & Verwüstung" @Staatsakt/ Oct. 2018 + shows, theater work: composition for children´s choir "Do´s & Dont´s" - Rimini Protokoll, HAU Berlin, Essen Pact, Kamnagel Hamburg, Shottish National Theater Glasgow/ Paisley, Venedig Biennale
2017 Recording of "Unschuld & Verwüstung", theater work "Truck Tracks/ Essen/ Ruhrtriennale"/ Rimini Protokoll
2016 Choir work "Lautarchiv" with A.Benjamin Meyers & Hauschka/ HKW, thater composition "brain projects" by Rimini Protokoll, Schauspielhaus Hamburg
2015 Finishing "Doppelstern", Choir Work "Fragen an das Licht" for the Zero retrospective/ Martin Gropius Bau + Atonal Festival Berlin
2014 Recordings for "Doppelstern", Musical Direction Radioplay "Qualitätskonrolle" by Rimini Protokoll, Production of "Stille Vann" - female Bandproject by barner 16
2013 Musical direction for "Qualitätskontrolle" by Rimini Protokoll, Staatstheater Stuttgart
2013 Choir work ("California"/HKW, "Virtuosity"/Kammermusiksaal Berliner Philharmonie, etc.)
2012 Release of the album "Sweet Silence" and live shows
2012 Musical direction and choir work for "Lagos Business Angels" by Rimini Protokoll, HAU 1, Theater Hebbel am Ufer, Berlin


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Powerline | Wieland Krämer - wk [yeah] powerline-agency [yeah] com (Mail)

Booking UK

Bit-Phalanx - bookings [yeah] bit-phalanx [yeah] com (Léigh Bartlam)



  • Dortmund, Kino Sweet Sixteen, Frauenfilmfestival, FILM Screening „Barbara Morgenstern und die Liebe zur Sache“ 3 Apr 2025
  • Berlin, FSK, Achtung Berlin Filmfestival, FILM Screening "Barbara Morgenstern und die Liebe zur Sache" 6 Apr 2025
  • Berlin, Acud, Achtung Berlin Filmfestival, FILM Screening "Barbara Morgenstern und die Liebe zur Sache" 7 Apr 2025
  • Karlsruhe, Kinemathek Karlsruhe, dokKa Filmfestival, FILM Screening „Barbara Morgenstern und die Liebe zur Sache“ 1 May 2025
  • Karlsruhe, Jazzclub, BM + Ensemble "In anderem Licht" live 3 May 2025
  • Galiläakirche Berlin - Film Screening ! + BM & Ensemble "In anderem Licht" live, Zwinglikirche, Berlin, D 11 May 2025
  • Leizipg, Kinobar Prager Frühling, FILM Screening „Barbara Morgenstern und die Liebe zur Sache“ 22 May 2025
  • Leipzig, Konzert! (Duo mit Sebastian Vogel), Ilses Erika 22 May 2025