3 Apr 2025

Dortmund, Kino Sweet Sixteen, Frauenfilmfestival, FILM Screening „Barbara Morgenstern und die Liebe zur Sache“

6 Apr 2025

Berlin, FSK, Achtung Berlin Filmfestival, FILM Screening "Barbara Morgenstern und die Liebe zur Sache"

7 Apr 2025

Berlin, Acud, Achtung Berlin Filmfestival, FILM Screening "Barbara Morgenstern und die Liebe zur Sache"

1 May 2025

Karlsruhe, Kinemathek Karlsruhe, dokKa Filmfestival, FILM Screening „Barbara Morgenstern und die Liebe zur Sache“

3 May 2025

Karlsruhe, Jazzclub, BM + Ensemble "In anderem Licht" live

11 May 2025

Galiläakirche Berlin - Film Screening ! + BM & Ensemble "In anderem Licht" live, Zwinglikirche, Berlin, D

22 May 2025

Leizipg, Kinobar Prager Frühling, FILM Screening „Barbara Morgenstern und die Liebe zur Sache“

22 May 2025

Leipzig, Konzert! (Duo mit Sebastian Vogel), Ilses Erika


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"Too much" Gudrun Gut + Barbara Morgenstern

© Mara von Kummer

The first idea for the lyrics naturally evolved from a conversation we had the night before we went to the studio.

We wrote the first lines, trying to shift our own personal views on a more general level.

We started our musical Ping-Pong with a wild goose sample, one idea caused the other, the chorus nearly existed , Gudrun sang her unique spoken-word-chant, I made my mind up for second voices, Gudrun refined the beats and the piece was nearly done.

"Definitely not enough organ!" Gudrun said and since the Vermona is just not at hand, the Fender Rhodes had to serve. Also very nice!

In 1998, we did our first studio session -  Gudrun was the vocal producer of my first album "Vermona ET 6-1". Since then I published my records (7 in total) on Gudrun Gut's label Monika Enterprise, my musical home in Berlin.
All the years, Gudrun is and was support, partner and counterpart
- it's never too much!


Wir schauen alle zu und wir sagen nichts
Nichts nichts nichts

He drinks too much
Talks too much
Works too much

She observes too much
Smokes too much
Defends herself too much

You are not passionate enough
You are not caring enough
You are not proud enough
You are too vain

You are too pushy, too ignorant, too aloof,
You are too hippy, too busy, too organized,
Too dominant, too impatient, too loose,
Too stiff, too stressed,
Too scattered, too messy
Not focussed enough

Wir schauen alle zu und wir sagen nichts
Nichts nichts nichts